26 April 2008

Why I'm Not A Teacher

Drew Carey, fellow Libertarian, has a series of videos at reason.tv called The Drew Carey Project. I don't agree with him on every point (yes, even Libertarians can disagree), but I encourage everyone to watch the videos, because he covers a lot of points that don't get much air time (organ transplant, traffic, gambling, etc.). I was catching up on his videos yesterday when I came across this one that made me sick to my stomach. I'll pause here while you watch the video...


And THAT, my friends, is why I hate the government. And unions. And public schools (see government). Thank FSM this ultimately had a happy ending. One of the hardest Libertarian points I have to defend is the elimination of public schools. Ron Paul faced similar criticisms when he ran for president. This video pretty much sums it up. You have a school district and a teacher's union that don't give a damn about students. They just care about themselves. As Penn Says, "It's better to be uneducated than educated by your government."

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