19 April 2008

This Blog Does Not Support Animal Cruelty

The other day, I was in caffeine-deprivation mode on my way to school, so I stopped by one of the local coffee shops to fill up. This place, Stone Creek Coffee, is like Starbucks, but more local. They have really good coffee at *relatively* decent prices, and give out free samples of whole-bean blends, so I give them my support over Starbucks. As I was drinking their coffee, I noticed that printed on their cups, is a message saying that Stone Creek Coffee is "Socially Responsible Coffee." What kind of hippie bullshit is that? They say that they are "100% certified socially responsible" because they get their coffee from "fair trade wholesalers." I think I just won buzzword bingo. I can't believe all those people who only buy 87% certified socially responsible coffee. Is there really a certification board for social responsibility? Now, I'm not saying I prefer coffee that was made in a sweatshop. I support fair trade for the same reasons I support feminists. It should be the standard, not something they need to advertise on their cups. They're patting themselves on the head for doing something they should be doing to begin with. I don't see McDonald's printing "We don't discriminate against homosexuals" on their cups. Once you start advertising your "social responsibility," you make it clear that you are doing so for selfish reasons. Besides, how socially responsible can they be when they support my drug addiction?

1 comment:

42towels said...

I'm reminded of someone bragging about the fact that they practice three religions. But that conversation is for another time.