15 July 2008

Warning: Science Content


1 comment:

42towels said...

In addition to what you said, I'd say that another notable difference between the two risk factors is the acknowledgment of damage occurring. Doctors, as you pointed out, are critical of their own practices which helps them to correct their mistakes. Chiropractors have been practicing the same old shit for a few thousand years, and are convinced that it works.
Given that information, I think it's safe to assume that doctors would be the first to acknowledge that a risk factor does exist with the surgery that is being performed. You and I both know from the various surgeries on your leg and the various problems with my ear that, going into the operation, you're well aware of the risk factors and what might happen. During all of my operations, mom and I were told very explicitly ahead of time about what risks there are, the chances of something going wrong, etc.
Whereas chiropractors seem to have this idea that they are in possession of a 100& cure all that always works and has for thousands of years. That may not be true specifically of chiropractors, maybe they do acknowledge the risk involved, but I think that the idea that chiropractors are somehow magical beings that can cure anything with no risk is an idea very much perpetuated by the society surrounding it.