29 September 2008

13 Million Little Digits


42towels said...

The cure for AIDs has been found. All you have to do is inject all your money into your veins.
As for the prime number, I very much agree. I got finished reading 'The Golden Ratio' recently and was left with very much a feeling of "Hm.... that's interesting, but I don't see how any of this is really significant, just very strange."
The discussion reminded me somewhat of this xkcd comic. http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/string_theory.png

iamthebrillo said...

Don't get me started on string theory. It's a waste of time, but in a different sense. It had promise, until people realized it was pseudoscience, just like creationism and psi. And I liked 'The Golden Ratio' (by Mario Livio, right?). The author looked at phi's relationship with art very skeptically, as opposed to a few other books I've read on the subject (chock full of ad ignorantiam).

42towels said...

That's the one. And I did like his skepticism about it, specifically in the chapter on Egypt and the pyramids. But I don't see it really applying to anything outside of the things encompassed in the patterns.