13 June 2008

My Day Off

Pharyngula- I'm Voting Republican

After recording the video, I read more of the comments on Pharyngula. #116 makes a good comment that's worth pointing out:
"The left of center is stuck with the anti-GMO, anti-irradiated food mentality (and related biotech-phobic baggage) for the foreseeable future just like the right is stuck with Christian fundamentalists."
Perfectly valid analogy.


John said...

Good luck sir.

I want to see your staff badge with Dr. Brillo on it eventually. Will you come out of this as something more than an Ensign? Med school should at least grant the naval equivalent of Captain. Or will they just salute you as Dr.?

I appreciate your libertarian rants, even if I think some of what you believe is bat-shit crazy. If the political spectrum was a circle, you'd be far enough right you'd be coming around to the left.

iamthebrillo said...

As of right now, I'm an Ensign. When I graduate medical school, I immediately become Lieutenant. The general rule (as I understand it) is Bachelor's = Ensign, Master's = Lieutenant JG, Doctorate (PhD, MD, DDS, etc.) = Lieutenant. Captain should take me at least fifteen years. It's still up in the air if I'll stay that long, there's a lot between point A and point B.

And yes, I am bat-shit crazy. Please, please point out to me when you think I'm wrong. The only way to get people to think is to criticize them, and that goes double for lunatics like me.

Unknown said...

Son, read his comment again. He was asking if you would be the Naval equivalent of Captain. That is Lieutenant to you and me. What we think of as Captain, he thinks of as Colonel. He is not familiar with the sea-going rank structure, just as we are not familiar with the land-based services ranks.

iamthebrillo said...

Ok, I gotcha. I was gonna say, the Naval equivalent of Captain is...Captain. My mistake. I have made the Captain/Lieutenant mistake a few times with my fellow med students who are in the Air Force and Army.