11 June 2008

Moral Oral

Link to Travis's Post


42towels said...

In my defense, I was quite tired when I posted that. But I didn't want to go back and change anything later, because I don't like to change what I've already posted, except for typos and such.
But my constant use of the word 'moral' to define these judgments was mostly in response to someone I'd been talking to while writing that, who insisted on defining them as such, and the entry was in part directed at her.
And also, as another confession, the morning of that post, I woke up with the word 'ubiquitous' stuck in my head. So I made the entry in part just to use that word, because it was bothering me all day. The sad sad truth.

phoenixphire24 said...

Jesus Christ, could you not tell randos about our sex life?