07 May 2008

I Just Hope I Don't Go Bald

Our pathology course is nearing an end, and the last five lectures have been a review of the year-long course. The guy giving the lectures is entertaining, but check this out:

-His name is Brian Peterson (B. Peterson)
-He went to medical school at MCW (as am I)
-He's a forensic pathologist (the specialty I'm focusing on)
-He served in the Navy for eight years (as will I)
-He worked as a Medical Examiner in San Diego County (where I went to high school), Yolo County (where I went to college), and Waukesha County (near where I go to medical school)
-He's an atheist ("I've done 9,000 autopsies, and have never found a soul")
-He's a skeptic ("There is no evidence that second-hand smoke causes cancer. I can tell you that everyone who has ever eaten a pickle will die, but that doesn't mean pickles kill you.")
-He has a sick sense of humor ("You know what they say about necrophilia. Any philia is better than nothing.")

I think my future is giving me lectures...


42towels said...

The only way I can sleep at night anymore is by looking at our family tree and reminding myself that baldness is passed on through the maternal side.
I haven't bothered to look it up to see if it's true, cause I don't really want to know.

iamthebrillo said...

About 90% of baldness (termed "Male Pattern Baldness") is X-linked, meaning it is passed on by the mother. The problem is it exhibits oblique inheritance on a pedigree, meaning the best indicators are maternal uncles (of which we have none).